Monday, August 10, 2009

Teaching Load (March 27, 2009)

The teaching load for university professors varies widely. I probably shouldn't limit the discussion to university professors, because I'll mention community college instructors as well. That is because teaching loads are often tied to the type of school. The load ranges from 1-1 to 4-4. A 1-1 load means that a professor teaches one course per semester (assuming a semester system). There might be some colleges or universities that have a 5-5 load, but I've never encountered any.

How are course load requirements determined? It often is dictated by how much research is expected from the teacher. If the school is considered to be a research institution the professor's load may be 1-1. This generally means that the university places more emphasis on research than on teaching. Teaching only one class per semester minimizes class prep time and student contact, freeing up more time to conduct research Professors at such institutions often teach only graduate level classes and graduate teaching assistants teach the "lowly" undergraduate classes. At the opposite end of the scale are community colleges or junior colleges at which the instructors generally are not expected to do any research whatsoever. Such institutions are by nature teaching oriented, since there is no research expectation.

In the middle of the spectrum are the bulk of the universities. The teaching load at these universities is again governed by research expectations. Loads range from 2-2, to 2-3, to 3-3. Generally the universities with a 3-3 load place greater emphasis on teaching, although there is still a considerable research expectation. Idaho State has a 3-3 load in the College of Business, at least in most departments. Idaho State refers to itself as a teahcing institution, meaning that students are our highest priority. If I remember correctly, professors at the University of Idaho have a 2-2 load.

This discussion applies to the academic faculty, not adjuncts or instructors.

Note also that teaching load is not always consistent across colleges or schools within a university, and sometimes not even between departments in the same college or school. Unequal expectations for professors, especially within the same college, is a recipe for discontent among faculty.

Any questions on that? I have no idea how quarter systems work, as none of the schools that I have attended or taught at have been on the quarter system.

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