Monday, August 10, 2009

First post (January 21, 2008)

Well, I'm supposed to be prepping a new course. Or maybe I should say yet another new course. I seem to have a lot of those. In Fall 2004 I completely revised a web site development and deployment course. In Fall 2005 I developed a new database course. In Fall 2007 I taught a new CS/CIS graduate technology seminar. And this semester I'm teaching a new interactive web development class. I've taught 10 different courses since coming to ISU in 1999. Holy cow!

I often wonder if students know how much work is involved in being a college professor. First off, there are three components that make up our jobs: service, research, and teaching. Students only see the teaching part, and assume that if we aren't in our offices waiting to field questions that we're slackers. (I know that was my opinion when I was a student!) However, we are required to meet certain standards in all three areas.

A discussion of service (my least favorite requirement) and research expectations will be covered in future posts.

Most students are familiar with the teaching part of our job, but have you ever thought about what is involved? And were you aware of the service and research requirements? I'll talk about those topics some more in future posts. For now I have to get back to my class prep. Yippee!

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